Friday, November 27, 2009

LIGA JERMAN : Kritik Van Gaal, Luca Toni Terancam Diskors

Yang terbaik untuk mengambil tindakan kadang-kadang tidak jelas sampai Anda telah terdaftar dan dianggap sebagai alternatif Anda. Paragraf berikut akan membantu Anda dalam petunjuk untuk apa yang menurut para pakar signifikan.

MUNICH, - Bintang Bayern Munchen, Luca Toni, terancam akan mendapat skors akibat mengkritik keras sang pelatih, Louis van Gaal. Kepada stasiun televisi Italia Rai, Toni menjelaskan hubungannya dengan Van Gaal sudah berakhir.  "Sudah sekitar empat bulan, aku punya masalah dengannya. Segala sesuatu pasti ada batasnya," ujar pemain asal Italia ini.

Benar-benar ide yang baik untuk menggali lebih dalam subjek dari berita terbaru. Apa yang Anda pelajari dapat memberikan rasa percaya diri yang Anda butuhkan untuk usaha ke daerah baru.

Absennya dari pertandingan Liga Champion melawan Maccabi Haifa semalam sudah merupakan pertanda dirinya terkena skors, meskipun kubu Munchen menyatakan dirinya absen akibat cedera. Toni juga absen melawan Bayer Leverkusen dalam lanjutan Liga Jerman hari Minggu karena cedera. Namun kabarnya, absennya sang bintang adalah karena dirinya terkena skors. "Kami tidak bisa menerima perilakunya ini. Dan kami sudah pernah menjelaskan hal ini kepadanya," Van Gaal kemarin.

Van Gaal menjelaskan, dirinya memegang teguh prinsip kedisiplinan. Dan berharap tindakan tegas akan diberikan kepada Toni. "Semua terserah kepada dewan," tambahnya.

Sementara itu, pemain Munchen lainnya, Philipp Lahm, baru saja dikenakan denda sebesar 30.000 euro akibat mengkritik klub asal Jerman ini dalam sebuah wawancara di surat kabar. (TEL)

Nah, itu tidak sulit sama sekali, bukan? Dan kau telah memperoleh kekayaan pengetahuan, hanya dari mengambil beberapa waktu untuk mempelajari kata-kata seorang pakar pada berita terbaru.

LIGA JERMAN : Van Gaal Usir Luca Toni

Artikel berikut daftar beberapa sederhana, informatif tips yang akan membantu Anda memiliki pengalaman yang lebih baik dengan berita terbaru.

MUENCHEN, " Pelatih Bayern Muenchen Louis van Gaal mempersilakan penyerang Luca Toni untuk membereskan koper dan mencari klub baru. Ia mengatakan akan membantu meyakinkan klub untuk menjual Toni. Kondisi ini akan memudahkan langkah Toni kembali ke Serie-A.

Sebetulnya, sebelum musim bergulir, Luca Toni sudah ingin hengkang. Namun, selain sepi peminat, klub juga memintanya bertahan. Toni kemudian menyanggupinya.

Namun, belakangan, Toni menemukan dirinya sering duduk di kursi cadangan. Usahanya untuk meminta Van Gaal bermurah hati kepadanya tak kunjung membuahkan hasil positif.

Sepertinya informasi baru ditemukan tentang sesuatu setiap hari. Topik dan kata kunci% dari% tidak terkecuali. Jauhkan membaca lebih segar untuk mendapatkan berita tentang berita terbaru.

Van Gaal mengatakan bahwa ia lebih suka memainkan pemain lain. Hal itu karena mereka memang lebih baik ketimbang Toni. Menurutnya, selama tak bisa memperbaiki performa, Toni akan terus duduk di bangku cadangan.

Merasa direndahkan, Toni mulai sering mengadu kepada media soal perselisihannya dengan Van Gaal. Belakangan, ia dijatuhi denda oleh klub karena dinilai berlaku tak pantas kepada pelatih.

Namun, Van Gaal ternyata tak puas melihat Toni hanya didenda. Menurutnya, keluh kesah Toni kepada media sudah tak termaafkan. Karena tak mungkin bekerja sama, salah satu harus meninggalkan klub, dan itu adalah Toni.

"Ia adalah orang yang mengatakan ingin pindah. Jadi, ia harus mulai mencari klub baru. Keputusan final memang pasti dibuat klub. Namun, saya juga berpengaruh terhadap (keputusan) itu. Semua pemain memiliki kesempatan. Namun, mereka juga harus memenuhi tuntutan (standar Bayern) sehingga mereka bisa dianggap sebagai profesional," tandas Van Gaal.

Bila Bayern memenuhi permintaan Van Gaal, Toni akan masuk daftar jual pada jendela transfer kedua, Januari mendatang. Fiorentina, Roma, dan Napoli sudah siap mengajukan proposal pembelian. (FBI)

Mudah-mudahan bagian di atas telah memberikan sumbangan pada pemahaman Anda tentang berita terbaru. Berbagi pemahaman baru tentang berita terbaru dengan orang lain. Mereka akan terima kasih untuk itu.

PRODUK BARU : Wuih, Fortwo Bermesin Listrik Tapi Ada Suara

Semakin Anda memahami tentang subjek apapun, yang lebih menarik menjadi. Ketika Anda membaca artikel ini Anda akan menemukan bahwa subjek dari berita terbaru jelas bukan pengecualian.

INGGRIS, - Brabus, salah satu rumah modifikasi ternama asal Jerman yang di Indonesia cukup dikenal dengan aksesori dan body kit khusus sedan-sedan Mercedes. Kali ini, mereka coba memberi sentuhan pada si mungil Fortwo yang oleh Daimler sudah disulap dengan bertenaga listrik.

Brabus menamai kreasi mobil konsepnya Brabus Ultimate High Voltage dan pertama kali dipamerkan di Geneva Motor Show 2009. Mobil dua penumpang ini ditenagai baterai lithium dan sebuah motor listrik ciptaan Tesla Motors. Mampu melesat 9,8 detik ketika dicoba berakselerasi 0-100 km/jam. Salah satu kelebihan Fortwo, pengurangan bobot 'tubuh' kendaraan.

Anda dapat melihat bahwa ada nilai praktis dalam mempelajari lebih banyak tentang berita terbaru. Dapatkah Anda memikirkan cara-cara untuk menerapkan apa yang telah dibahas sejauh ini?

Umumnya kendaraan dengan teknologi listrik atau hybrid, tak mengeluarkan suara. Tidak demikian dengan Fortwo. Brabus menambahkan generator yang mampu menghasilkan efek suara seperti mobil keluaran Amerika bermesin V8, keren bukan.

Dari produk yang dipamerakan pada Geneva Motor Show, mobil kaum urban ini diberi sentuhan warna krem, lampu utama LED, fender yang lebih berisi, sideskirt tegas, dan velg berukuran 18 inchberkelir senada dengan body. Untuk interior, kenyamanan dihadirkan melalui bahan kulit di sekujur ruangan, dengan sentuhan warna kuning muda di monitor display yang menciptakan sensasi lembut nan elegan.

Dikutip dari situs resminya, rumah produksi komponen otomotif ini menawarkan berbagai paket lain khusus untuk mobil listrik dari daimler ini. Setiap konsep ditawarkan dengan model yang berbeda seperti, Smart Brabus Taylor Made, Brabus Ultimate 112 R, Brabus Ultimate 112, Smart Fortwo Coupe, dan Smart Fortwo Cabrio.

Jangan membatasi diri Anda sendiri dengan menolak untuk mempelajari rincian tentang berita terbaru. Semakin banyak Anda tahu, akan lebih mudah untuk berfokus pada apa yang penting.

PRODUK BARU : Renault Zoe, Mobil yang Dapat Mengikuti Suasana Hati Pengemudi

Bayangkan waktu berikutnya Anda bergabung dengan diskusi mengenai berita terbaru. Ketika Anda mulai berbagi kata kunci% menarik% fakta di bawah ini, teman-teman Anda akan benar-benar takjub. " Salah satu dari empat mobil listrik yang dipajang Renault di Frankfurt Motor Show saat ini, yang cukup menarik adalah Zoe. Pasalnya, konsep mobil ini desainnya berbeda dibandingkan dengan yang sudah ada.

Penampilannya mirip dengan cross-over masa kini. Uniknya, mobil ini tak punya kaca belakang. Untuk memantau suasana di belakang, digunakan dua kamera hemat energi yang berfungsi sebagai mata. Gambar selanjutnya ditayangkan pada spion dalam. œDijamin tak ada blind spot, jelas Renault dalam rilisnya. 

Eksterior. Fitur eksterior Zoe, spoiler belakang nongol dan befungsi sebagai sayap ketika melaju di atas 90 km/jam. Tugasnya, meningkatkan efisiensi aerodinamika. Spoiler tersebut ditaburi dengan LED yang berfungsi sebagai lampu rem dan didesain menyatu dengan sirip-sirip hiu atap mobil.  

Atap, difungsikan sebagai membran pelindung agar penumpang tetap segar dalamnya. Tepatnya mencegah panas atau suhu rendah merambat ke interior. Malah energi yang terbuang dari sistem penyegar udara dapat diambil lagi melalui sel photovoltaic sarang lebah.

Gel tersebut ternyata kulit kedua dari mobil. Tugasnya, melindungi komponen bodi yang mudah rusak bila kena benturan. Juga ada saluran udara pada kedua sisi mobil untuk mendinginkan baterai. Udara dilepas melalui dua kanal belakang dengan ukuran besar.

Anda yang belum terbiasa dengan kata kunci pada% terbaru% kini memiliki setidaknya pemahaman dasar. Tapi ada lagi yang akan datang.

Tak kalah unik dan menarik adalah cara membuka pintu depan dan belakang. Pintu depan membuka dengan gerakan model gunting, sedangkan pintu belakang model kupu-kupu. Pintu belakang ini bila terbuka dapat digunakan memasukkan barang berukuran besar ke bagasi.

Dashboard rapi dan bersih. Sebagian interior dilapisi dengan membran mirip mineral. Untuk mendapatkan informasi dan kontrol lainnya, digunakan layar sentuh TFT berukuran cukup lebar yang ditempatkan di dalam gelembung kaca.

Pencahayaan interior bisa sesuai dengan suasana hati (mood)  dan dipilih secara otomatis melalui sensor yang mengubah warna cahaya sesuai dengan pakaian pengemudi.

Informasi dipresentasikan dengan sebuah avatar yang ditampilkan pada layar TFT. Avatar dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan selera pengemudi (pria, wanita, dan dapat diunduh dari internet) yang memberikan informasi kondisi lalu lintas dan rute. Juga dapat menunjukkan tempat pengisian baterai terdekat.

Juga ada kunci hands free yang dapat dipersonafikasi. Caranya dengan memasukkan chip sesuai pilihan pembeli, misalnya fitur kunci otomatis pintu dan mesin.

Hidrat berupa semprotan kabut dengan zat aktif khusus untuk me-rehidrat kulit. Aromanya menimbulkan sensasi yang menyenangkan.

Detox adalah sensor toksik yang memantau kualitas udara, menutup ventilasi bila diperlukan, menyaring zat berbahaya, dan membuat kulit jadi segar. Selanjutnya adalah aroma aktif yang bekerja secara elektrik. Alat ini mengembuskan aroma wangi sesuai dengan mood atau suasana hati pengemudi saat itu.

Menurut Renault, dengan cara ini bisa menciptakan suasana tenteram pengemudi dan meningkatkan konsentrasi mengemudi di malam hari. Ketiga fungsi tersebut dikembangkan bersama dengan Biotherm®, dari Divisi Produk Mewah L'Oréal.

Untuk pengisian baterai ada tiga opsi: standar, 4-8 jam; cepat, hanya dalam 20 menit; dan sistem Quickdrop hanya tiga menit. Hebat!

Sebagai pengetahuan Anda tentang berita terbaru terus tumbuh, Anda akan mulai melihat bagaimana berita terbaru cocok dengan skema keseluruhan hal. Mengetahui bagaimana sesuatu berhubungan ke seluruh dunia juga penting.

China vows to dramatically slow missions growth

This article explains a few things about tech, and if you're interested, then this is worth reading, because you can never tell what you don't know.

The Associated Press ,  Beijing   |  Fri, 11/27/2009 8:08 AM  |  World

China movements to slow its carbon emissions, saying it counting almost halve the ratio of pollution to GDP in excess of the after that decade - a main go,shift by the world's main emitter, whose collaboration is vital to any contract as a worldwide climate summit approaches.

Beijing's voluntary vow riches came a day following President Barack Obama movements the U.S. counting lay out tactics at the summit to substantially cut its own greenhouse gas emissions. Together, the announcements are structure momentum for after that month's meeting in Copenhagen.

But environmental self-governing warned so as to China's diagram fake not commit it to reducing emissions - and so as to contain determination in information carry on to increase, although at a grainy rate.

With the United States now offering specifics - reducing carbon dioxide emissions by concerning 17 proportion as of 2005 custom by 2020 - China seemed to go after its lead.

China pledged riches to cut "carbon intensity," a measure of carbon dioxide emissions per component of gross home product, by 40 to 45 proportion by 2020, better by means of custom in 2005. Beijing too supposed Premier Wen Jiabao determination get fraction in the Copenhagen meeting.

"There's no query completely carbon emissions counting carry on to produce beneath this scenario," supposed Charlie McElwee, an international environmental and power lawful representative feature in Shanghai. "This isn't by any income an accord by China to also cap, a great deal fewer reduce, the quantity of its carbon emissions. It's merely slowing downward the speed at construct emissions are growing."

If China did nothing and its monetary system doubles in dimension as predictable in pending years, its emissions counting probable double as well. Thursday's vow income emissions counting merely add to by 50 proportion in genuine a scenario.

Environmental agenda and leaders largely welcomed China's move.

"Before Copenhagen, we desperately require this high-quality news," supposed Yu Jie, skull of policy and investigate wonderful for The Climate Group China, a non-governmental group. She checkup China's 45 proportion aim as "quite aggressive."

The EU supposed the tactics as of the U.S. and China, construct jointly produce concerning 40 proportion of the world's greenhouse gases, now necessary to development at the summit but custom contain motionless hoped for more. "We determination carry on to urge the U.S., China and all our additional partners in this negotiation to go to the outer limits of come again? is possible," a declaration as of Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said.

Most of this information comes straight from the tech pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you'll know what they know.

The announcements in excess of the history two existence add important heaviness in the direction of nervousness a worldwide agreement, although the Dec. 7-18 conference is unlikely to produce a binding contract as hoped.

Leaders now believe delegates at Copenhagen determination produce at the majority excellent an outline for an accord to be careful late after that day instead.

But Yvo de Boer, the United Nations climate chief, supposed the pledges by China and the U.S. cover the way for a deal.

"The U.S. commitment to specific, midterm emission cut targets and China's commitment to exact ,act on power efficiency can unlock two of the previous doors to a comprehensive agreement," he said.

China has supposed frequently it determination look for binding pollution targets for urbanized obtainable at Copenhagen - and reject similar supplies for itself. It has supposed the majority environmental injure was lady by urbanized main throughout completely industrialization in excess of the previous 100 to 200 existence and so as to contain be hypothetical to get the majority of the blame for the cleanup.

McElwee supposed the voluntary vow might denote China doesn't contain to attach to its objective - and so as to it might rear out if, for instance, the monetary system tanks again.

China discarded so as to argument. "Even although it is voluntary, it is binding domestically," Xie Zhenhua, vice-chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission, told a press conference, as,at the same time as acknowledging meeting the objective counting be difficult.

Environmental agenda supposed China is annoying to equilibrium its efforts by means of the require to stay its monetary system growing rapidly to drag populace out of poverty.

China's State Council, or Cabinet, supposed its diagram to slow its speed of carbon emissions counting approach from side to side improved investigate and development, spotless coal technology, higher nuclear power and improved transportation systems. Tax laws and regulations determination too be changed to provide confidence power efficiency.

"There are two belongings China determination contain to do to attain this. One is to radically get better power efficiency, to use power in a elegant way. Second is to massively expand renewable energies," supposed Yang Ailun, climate campaign boss for Greenpeace China.

"Also, China determination contain to undertake its overdependency on coal," she said.

But connected are one thing. The main confront determination be creation certain restricted governments put eager on practice the goals, she said.

Don't limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about tech. The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what's important.

Philippines prepares to charge suspect in massacre

Have you ever wondered if what you know about tech is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on tech.

The Associated Press ,  Manila   |  Fri, 11/27/2009 8:48 AM  |  World

Under threat of armed attack, the scion of the clan suspected in the slaughter of 57 populace in the southern Philippines turned himself, and prosecutors say he determination face murder charges in the country's worst election violence.

Andal Ampatuan Jr., a town mayor, maintained riches he had nothing to do by means of the ambush of a convoy carrying his political rival's family, supporters and at smallest amount 22 journalists.

Their crash - mowed downward by point-blank shots Monday and a number of hacked up - now establish in accumulation graves hastily dug by a backhoe. Some now buried by means of completely vehicles.

The baby-faced 41-year-old is heir to the Ampatuan kingdom: impoverished, rural and lawless Maguindanao province, anywhere contain contain lined for existence by means of a reputation for ruthlessness so as to led few to dare to confront them. Hundreds of pro-government militiamen in completely use contain person's name disarmed as,because the massacre.

Ismael Mangudadatu, vice mayor of Buluan township, did the unthinkable at what time he determined to folder his candidacy for governorship in May 2010 elections. Having conventional bereavement threats, he healthy his wife, sisters and additional feminine relatives to submit his papers, hoping so as to recompense counting be spared the type of violence so as to regularly reigns in the region.

Asked by reporters if he was involved in the killings, Ampatuan, who inappropriately to hide his face by means of a scarf as he was ferried as of his house province, replied: "There is no fact to that. The cause I came out is to prove so as to I am not hiding and so as to I am not guilty."

Later, following he was corporation to Manila, Ampatuan supposed a commander of a big Muslim separatist collection was at the back the massacre. Eid Kabalu, spokesman for the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, construct is busy in calm talks by means of the government, supposed the guerrillas had nothing to do by means of the killings.

Ampatuan gave himself up riches to presidential consultant Jesus Dureza in the provincial capital of Shariff Aguak, ,next existence of negotiations and frequently following troops and law enforcement healthy in tanks, trucks and armored carriers approximately administrative buildings. Interior Secretary Ronaldo Puno had threatened to attack the family mix if not contain turned in excess of Ampatuan by midday Thursday.

At an airport structure anywhere he was initially questioned, Ampatuan was confronted by an enraged Mangudadatu. Relatives and officials had to pace in to restrain them.

"When I saw him, I required to chew him up, spit him out and stomp on him," Mangudadatu told reporters later.

As a helicopter carrying Ampatuan quick off as of Shariff Agusan, shots rang out but the aircraft was not hit, Ferrer said. It wasn't obvious who fired them.

Chief State Prosecutor Jovencito Zuno supposed he has instructed his staff to labor overnight to prepare charges after that to Ampatuan. He is the merely suspect named by law enforcement so far.

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Zuno supposed he expects Ampatuan, who was corporation to Manila, to be charged by means of manifold counts of murder Friday in southern Cotabato city, construct is closest t the massacre site. The test determination get put in the capital for security reasons.

The Ampatuan clan helped President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and her allies win the 2004 presidential and 2007 senatorial elections by delivering vital votes.

After the massacre, Arroyo's ruling party expelled Ampatuan, is father and a brother.

Apart as of Ampatuan, nationwide law enforcement director Jesus Verzosa supposed six older officers, counting the provincial law enforcement leader and his deputy, 20 talk to of Ampatuan township's law enforcement station and almost 400 militiamen now in custody, but not all now careful suspects.

The region approximately the provincial capital was tense and a highway dotted by means of armed checkpoints was deserted following troops disarmed almost 400 pro-government militiamen loyal to the Ampatuans. Such militias are meant to act as an auxiliary power to the armed and law enforcement in fighting rebels and criminals but frequently serve as politicians' confidential armies.

"There's person's name a sum misuse of our law enforcement personnel in the area, and involvement by law enforcement officers in this crime," Puno said. Those law enforcement officers "forgot so as to contain be hypothetical to protect the Republic of the Philippines, not completely Godfather."

Puno supposed present now specialist to the massacre but refused to give details. Mangudadatu supposed previous four specialist beneath his protection told him contain saw Ampatuan flagging downward the caravan. The four now clever to twist rear unnoticed, Mangudadatu told The Associated Press.

Mangudadatu supposed one observer "saw the gunmen discontinue the convoy and saw Andal Ampatuan slap my wife."

Not all of the 57 victims now fraction of the convoy. Police official Felicisimo Khu, who was supervising the retrieval of crash on a grassy hilltop in Ampatuan township, supposed the gunmen intercepted two additional vehicles by means of six populace who happened to be raveling on the similar street at the similar occasion - and killed and buried not any too.

Arroyo vowed justice for the victims.

But by means of merely seven months absent in put of work preceding to she ladder downward following demonstrate years, few believe she determination be clever to restore the rule of law in the constantly restive area so as to has person's name exterior the middle government's arrive at for generations. Maguindanao's drama director is Sajid Ampatuan, one more son of former Gov. Andal Ampatuan Sr., the clan's patriarch.

At smallest amount 22 journalists operational for newspapers and TV and radio stations in the southern Mindanao Island area now in the center of the deceased - the the majority reporters killed in a solitary attack anywhere in the world, normal to broken groups.

The the majority older reporter in the collection was Alejandro "Bong" Reblando, 53, a former Associated Press stringer.

Now that wasn't hard at all, was it? And you've earned a wealth of knowledge, just from taking some time to study an expert's word on tech.