Friday, December 11, 2009

Council ‘work trip’ to Bali deemed dodgy

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The Jakarta Post   |  Fri, 12/11/2009 12:57 PM  |  City

Several watchdog agenda contain questioned the City Councils upcoming œwork trip to Bali, saying the option island was not the the majority suitable put for a labor visit.

Council Speaker Ferrial Sofyan long-established present was a trip scheduled for the councils recess, addition the idea had person's name decided winning by all councilors.

œThe council wants to learn circumstances in Bali, he supposed vaguely as quoted by

The councilors casement flying in excess of on Tuesday, leaving in batches by means of the commission contain serve on, and determination wait at the Inna Beach Hotel.

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Riko Abrani, a councilor as of Commission E, construct oversees education, lady Bali was appropriate for knowledge concerning teaching as the management present had instituted gratis community far above the ground schools.

The commission on finance believed the call was to study concerning tourism management, supposed associate Habib Husein Alaydrus.

Indonesia Corruption Watchs (ICW) Firdaus Ilyas supposed so as to the call was just an excuse to come to an end off the councils budget preceding to the end of the year.

œIts firm to measure the output [from genuine visit], he said.

Yuna Farhan, as of the Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (Fitra), supposed the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) be hypothetical to seem closely at genuine spending.

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Land shift displaces 321 people in Bogor

The only way to keep up with the latest about tech is to constantly stay on the lookout for new information. If you read everything you find about tech, it won't take long for you to become an influential authority.

The Jakarta Post ,  Bogor   |  Fri, 12/11/2009 12:59 PM  |  City

BOGOR: Land subsidence in Curugbitung in Nanggung district, Bogor regency, has displaced 321 populace as of 85 families.

The subsidence has lady moderate injure to dozens of in trouble and harsh injure to seven.

Local occupant Minah supposed the ,tragedy struck on Nov. 25 by means of torrential rains as of dusk awaiting dawn.

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Afterward, she said, the land casement sinking and the ramparts of more supposed a few houses cracked. Seven contain as,because approximately tear in two.

œWe moved in by means of relatives preceding to finally evacuating the village, Minah supposed riches as quoted by

She additional makeshift dwellings now merely erected Wednesday, as,at the same time as release aid came the similar day.

District skull Ujang Supendi denied his put of work had person's name slow in responding to the problem.

œA day following the event, we, the distance end to end of by means of the law enforcement and the military, came to the site and assembly inhabitants to wait calm, he told supposed as quoted by " JP

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